Diane Elizabeth Wasznicky
Sacramento CA Family Law Attorney, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado County California Divorce Lawyer
* Divorce and dissolution
* Child custody and visitation
* Spousal support
* Child support
* Paternity
* Domestic violence and restraining orders
* Judgment modifications
* Out of state custody proceedings
* Tax issues of divorce
* Premarital agreements
* Legal separation and annulment
* Registered domestic partnerships
* Stepparent and domestic partner adoption
* Collaborative family law
* Divorce mediation
The Sacramento divorce lawyers at Bartholomew & Wasznicky LLP, provide families and individuals throughout the Sacramento, California, region with exceptional legal representation. Our attorneys have a reputation for providing quality legal representation. Some are Certified Family Law Specialists, and some serve as Judges Pro Tem for the Superior Court of California in Sacramento.
We handle exclusively divorce and related family law matters at our law firm.
Diane E Wasznicky
Bartholomew & Wasznicky LLP
4740 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento CA 95819
Tel: 916 455-5200
Fax: 916 455-6300
E-mail: diane@divorcewithrespect.com
