Julia Patricia Gibbs
Our office specializes in the representation of clients in bankruptcy matters. We are fully experienced in assisting both debtor and creditor clients.
We welcome the opportunity to represent individuals, small businesses and larger corporate entities. Julia Gibbs has specialized in bankruptcy law since 1981. Our office has represented clients in cases filed under Chapters 7, 11 and 13 of the federal bankruptcy code. We have also helped many clients with various business law problems not involved directly in a bankruptcy matter.
Consumers represented by our office do not deal with non-lawyers or other staff. Julia Gibbs personally handles all aspects of their cases. Upon retaining our firm, Julia Gibbs handles all creditor inquiries, protecting her clients from harassment by creditors and collection agencies.
In 2005, Congress passed a new version of the Bankruptcy Code which, among other changes, granted the title of "debt relief agency" to law firms such as ours who represent people and companies in the Bankruptcy Court. We are proud to bear that title and are proud to say that we are a debt relief agency. Since 1981, Julia Gibbs has helped - and will continue to help - individuals and businesses file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
Law Offices of Julia P Gibbs
1329 Howe Ave #205
Sacramento CA 95825
Tel: 916 646-2800
Fax: 916 929-1158
E-mail: judy@gibbslegal.com
