Steven Richard Burlingham
Law Partnership Specializing in Family Law, Estate Planning, Serious Personal Injury and More
* Family Law
- Dissolution, Legal Separation, Annulment
- Child Custody, Visitation and Parenting Plans
- Grandparent Rights and Guardianships
- Child Support
- Collaborative Practice (see )
- Mediation, Christian Conciliation
- Premarital, Marital Settlement and Reconciliation Agreements
- Adoptions
- Independent, Step-Parent
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Paternity
- Litigation and Trial
* Estate Planning
- Revocable "Living" Trusts
- Wills
- Advanced Healthcare Directives
- Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care
- Durable Powers of Attorney for Property
- Probate
- Trust litigation
- Guardianships and Conservatorships
* Personal Injury
- Auto, Truck and Motorcycle Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Construction Accidents
- Animal Attacks
- All Serious Injuries
* Other Areas
- Administrative Hearings and Appeals
- Business Litigation
Steven R Burlingham
Gary, Till & Burlingham
5330 Madison Ave #F
Sacramento CA 95841
Tel: 916 332-8122
